Wednesday, April 4, 2012


What will you do today? Will you set goals, only to neglect them or have you given up? Do you see your dreams as unattainable? We are all creatures of habit, and when we allow discipline to slide, we find ourselves drifting. Regardless of the desire we have to achieve something, we will not succeed without discipline.

Discipline does not happen overnight. We do not turn things around only through determination. Although determination is a key ingredient, we need to devise a realistic plan. A plan addressing the areas we want to improve and a detailed strategy to achieve it. Every day, we add a bit more to our lifestyle to meet these targets. 

For instance, if you haven’t exercised for a while, you aren’t going to run the marathon tomorrow, but you can park the car two blocks from your destination and walk. Keep building on your successes, forgiving your setbacks, and move forward.

When we make small changes, we allow ourselves to succeed. These small successes build on each other and before we know it, we have met and surpassed that unattainable goal.

The only thing separating us from our objectives is a matter of discipline.  


  1. Discipline! yes something I know I can surely work on daily. Which Im learning in my exercise. I love the words of encouragement you are giving us through the A-Z

    1. As always Elizabeth, thank you for your encouragement. It means a lot - especially as I discipline myself to continue with this challenge.

  2. Excellent post. This is partly why I have to set small deadlines in order to stay disciplined with my writing because I need that, even if I do them near the deadline. I'm still working on it though. I should exercise too. hmmm

    1. Well Dawn, some of us thrive under pressure, but you have a great idea. Break the large task into smaller ones, but for the adrenaline junkie, make sure those also have deadlines.

      It is all a process, and we are all, everyday working on it.

  3. great thoughts! Needed this this morning!

    1. Thanks for dropping by, Tami. I am glad you found the words a wee bit inspiring.

  4. Good advice. I've found the best way to find success is with small goals. Baby steps to maintain and grow my level of discipline. Thanks for posting.

    1. Absolutely baby steps will get us to where we need to be. Sometimes those giant leaps seem to be the answer, but we can never sustain them for long. Thanks for dropping by.

  5. This is very wise. We often want the "magic pill answer to our problems," but discipline is an attained skill.

    1. Hmmm - magic pill - is there one?

      Darn, I didn't think so. Okay, so back to discipline.

  6. This post is excellent, as are the others in the A-Z series so far. I look forward to reading more :) Please don't take this personally but might I suggest a less "ornate" font for the posts? I really think it would encourage more people to read your brilliant work, the current one looks pretty but strained my eyes after a while. Whatever you decided, keep writing :)
    Amy (AtoZ)

    1. Hi Amy,

      Thanks for the input. I actually wondered about the font. I really do like it, but I am glad you suggested changing it. I think it is cleaner and easier to read now.

      Take it personally? How could I? You used one of my favorite motivating devices: the constructive criticism sandwich, nestled between two pieces of positive comments.

      Thanks again.

  7. Thanks for your post! I found it quite timely, as I'm slowly working on some of my habits & looking to my small successes :)

    1. Good for you. Every step is one to be proud of. I do hope you will drop back and tell me how you are doing.


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