Sunday, April 1, 2012


Have you ever noticed there seems to be an inverse correlation between talent and attitude. We see it all the time. The people who have the attitude they are great, so often aren't, and yet, the ones we envy for their ability to draw, write, or perform are the ones that doubt themselves most. 

There is a problem though. The person with attitude with less talent will often succeed. Why? Because they believe they can. That belief separates them from the wannabes. They market themselves. They perceive themselves as successful. This visualization drives their success. 

So what does that mean for the rest of us? We need to believe as well. We need to visualize. We need to follow - no pursue that dream. 

So, throw away that modesty. Embrace a healthy ego, and go for it. 

It really is just a matter of attitude. 


  1. Great post. It's good to have some confidence in ourselves in order to achieve the goals we set out to accomplish.

  2. Attitude is so very important. I love your words and choice for the A-Z challenge. Because I think this challenge is diffiantly going to take some attitude to get through it to the end with a great positive out look.

    1. Thank you Elizabeth. I am a baby in the blogging world, so the encouragement is motivating.

  3. You took the post right out of my mouth:) There's definitely something to be said for believing in yourself at least as much as you'd want others to believe in you. Nice one.

  4. Thank you very much, Isabella. Hmmm- B - believe. Nope, think I might take another route today.

  5. Great post. I've blogged something very similar a while back. Today, I looked at it from the perspective of Bursting Bubbles...those with more belief than talent. I hope you read it because I'd be very interested in your take on it. People aren't liking it much (perhaps because they're used to total positivity and inspiration from me). I don't think it's negative at all though.
    Rhia #873 on the A to Z list. (I'd put my link here but don't think that's allowed).

  6. A good attitude does often succeed better than talent...

    Look forward to your challenge posts...
    --Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2012

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I am really enjoying this, and I may even have found my idea for X. You can not believe how excited I was about that. Now I can't quit, because after all that one has to find its home.

  7. How true! I need some attitude adjustment!
    Sandy - # 1805 from A-to-Z Challenge.

    1. My children and I used to have a little sign language of our own. One we developed was for attitude adjustment. Hard to describe here, but it was great when we were out and about town. A simple little gesture, and they would laugh and behave again. Sometimes they even needed to use it on me. I still use that physical reminder on myself at times. The action triggers memories, and the memories trigger - you guessed it - an attitude adjustment.

    2. That is so funny! My daughter and I have a few little "gestures" too. And my sister and I only have to say one of several words that cause complete collapse into laughter. I guess I just need to remember those situations and say them or make those gestures by myself. I am the only one responsible for my attitude. Unless you want to be the responsible party? No? Bummer.

    3. I am coming closer and closer to the empty nest. Five have now flown, one is perched on the edge, but at least I still have a minimum of five more years with the last. Then, oh then, what will I do? Had to pause from typing to do my attitude adjustment. You see, it takes both hands.

  8. This is a really interesting way to look at things. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks Stephanie. I am enjoying your blogging challenge entries.


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